Saturday, February 10, 2018

Post 1

Hey! My name is Caitlin Lee and I'm a freshman at Washburn University. This blog will show and describe 12 states that I've been to and what makes each state so unique.
I am the right person to create this blog because I've been fortunate enough to travel to many states. While being in each state, I've gotten to experience different things that each state has. The audience will most likely get out of this blog is where they would like to travel next. I hope to encourage others to travel the U.S. and see what there is to explore!


  1. I have been to only few states. I really want to know where I should go until I graduate. I am super excited to see you blog! This blog will be absolutely helpful for me where to visit!

  2. I love to travel and after I graduate I am blessed to have the opportunity to travel to many different states. I love this blog because I might be able to go to some of these places and now I'll have some ideas of what to do and where to go when I'm there!

  3. Cute Blog. I can't wait to continually read this to keep updated what is going on in the world of Caitlin :)
